Periods, also known as menstruation, are a natural part of a woman's reproductive cycle. However, throughout history, menstruation has been shrouded in myths and misconceptions,
leading to misinformation and perpetuation of stigma. In this article, we will debunk some common myths surrounding periods, shedding light on the truth and promoting accurate knowledge.
Myth 1: Periods are dirty or impure
One prevailing myth is that menstruation is dirty or impure. In reality, menstruation is a natural bodily function and does not make a woman dirty or impure. Menstrual blood is composed of shed uterine lining and is not toxic or harmful. This myth stems from cultural and religious beliefs that have often associated menstruation with impurity. It is crucial to
understand that menstruation is a normal process and should be treated as such, without attaching any negative connotations.
Myth 2: Menstruating women should not engage in certain activities
Another common myth is that women should avoid certain activities during their period, such as cooking, entering religious places, or touching plants. These beliefs are based on outdated cultural practices and are not grounded in scientific evidence. There is no inherent reason for women to be
restricted from participating in regular activities during their period. It is important to promote inclusivity and equal opportunities for women regardless of their menstrual status.
Myth 3: Menstrual blood attracts wild animals or spoils food
This myth suggests that menstrual blood attracts wild animals or can spoil food. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Menstrual blood is no different from any other bodily fluid, and it does not have any special properties that attract animals or spoil food. It is important to dispel such baseless beliefs as they contribute to the stigma and discrimination against menstruating women.
Myth 4: Physical contact with menstruating women is harmful
A pervasive myth in some cultures is that physical contact with a menstruating woman can cause harm or bad luck. This belief has no scientific basis. Menstruation is a natural process and does not pose any health risks to others. It is crucial to promote understanding and empathy towards menstruating individuals, rather than isolating or stigmatising them.
Myth 5: Women cannot get pregnant during their period
While the chances of pregnancy are lower during the menstrual period, it is still possible for a woman to conceive. Sperm can survive for several days in the female reproductive system, and if ovulation occurs shortly after the period ends, pregnancy can happen. It is important to practice safe and reliable contraception methods if pregnancy is not desired.
Dispelling myths and misconceptions about periods is essential for promoting accurate knowledge, breaking stigma, and fostering a supportive environment for menstruating
individuals. Education and awareness play a crucial role in challenging these myths and promoting a positive narrative around menstruation. By understanding the facts and
embracing open discussions, we can contribute to a more inclusive and informed society that celebrates the natural processes of a woman's body.
Written By: Viha Desai
photo By: Photo by Cliff Booth from Pexels